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CD – Autism

This whole experience has been formed over so many levels. It is a modern contemporary work that is executed by the tools of Arabic music. It is different because most of the trials of modernizing music that has been going for tens of years now have been synonymous with westernizing which means making the West the main source of inspiration for new melodic and rhythmic systems. But the situation is different here, because we; at the Foundation for Arab Music Archiving and Research, seek to spread our Arab music authentic heritage with the intention not to copy and repeat till infinity but with the aim to encourage musicians to build on such heritage and evolve it into new works that can be regarded as belonging to the Arab heritage and richness.

Mustafa Said, the creator of the work, does not claim deciding the future for Arabic music and he does not consider himself and his vision as the only true. On the contrary from that, it is believed that Said’s experience and work is one amongst other trials and we wish that there will be many others as genius as his attempt. We aspire that this experience will trigger the will to preserve the Arab cultural repertoire which will be supported by our foundation and that is the most elevated aim that we look forward to.

Content: 1 Cd – Booklet in english and arabic

Price: 13$

To order your copy please send an email to or contact us via the contact page

  2021  /  Products  /  Last Updated April 12, 2021 by Amar  / 
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