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CD – Early Singers from Bilad-al-Sham

Before the dawn of the twentieth century and throughout the first three decades of the 1900’s, their voices and music captivated hearts and enchanted minds. They were the renowned kings of the music scene of the Levant and remnants of their melodies to this day still endure, and are savored by many. But to the majority of today’s generation, they remain relics of which little is known and little is spoken. This collection presents some of the best works of those pioneers, introduces us to their art and sends us on a journey to the early 1900’s to remind us of some of the stars of that era, to whom us classic Arab music lovers are in debt. May this album honor them and immortalize their memory.

Content: 4 Cds – 62 recordings – 28 singers – 72 pages booklet in english, french and arabic

Price: 35$

Supported by the Abu Dhabi Festival
Abu Dhabi Festival

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  2014  /  Products  /  Last Updated March 31, 2016 by Amar  / 
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